In the library you can access files shared by members of the community and upload files of your own to share.

We hope this will become a really useful resource. So please upload and share the documents that are useful in your work. We expect a variety of topics and file types to be added.

Eventually we hope to have a quality assurance process in place for the library.  First we need to gather documents and see what is out there, so please note that while we hope the documents are useful The Practitioners Hub can’t currently assure the accuracy of the resources. Addressing this will be an on-going process as part of the pilot and something we will seek your input on.

Please Note:

  • By uploading files you acknowledge you have the right to share the file and agree to it being shared among the Hub community.
  • All file uploads will be approved and categorised by the site admin before they appear in the library.
  • The Practitioners Hub does not currently have a quality assurance process in place for the library.

[wpfilebase tag=list tpl=5-col-table showcats=1 pagenav=0 sort='<file_date’ sortcats='<cat_name’ /]